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Agendas - Public Protection Licensing Committee

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Please note that, since December 2015, the Council now has two distinct Licensing Committees (a “Statutory” and a “Public Protection” one). 


The "Statutory” Licensing Committee is responsible for all matters regulated by the Licensing Act 2003 and the Gambling Act 2005.  The "Public Protection" Licensing Committee will discharge those licensing activities which are not governed by the 2003 or 2005 Acts and which do not fall within the remit of the:


(i)         Council, any of its Committees or the Executive (“Cabinet”);

(ii)        The Joint Committee for Shared Regulatory Services.


Both Committees comprise the same (previous Licensing Committee) membership.


***PLEASE NOTE: Council meetings will be held in line with the Council's Multi-Location Meetings Policy. These meetings will be live streamed and recorded for subsequent transmission via the Council’s public website. Meetings that are held on hybrid basis will take place in the Council Chamber and online.  Please check individual meeting agendas below to identify the platform (i.e. Remote or Hybrid) that is to be used to stream the meeting


If you have any queries regarding this, please contact or tel. 01446 709479.  [View Upcoming Live Stream Events]


View procedures to be used for virtual meetings during the COVID-19 Pandemic approved under the use of the Managing Director's Emergency Powers