Cost of Living Support Icon

Drake, Pam

Pamela Drake BA Hons



c/o Vale of Glamorgan Council

Civic Offices

Holton Road


CF63 4RU


  • 07927 588978

Party details:

Welsh Labour

 Labour-rose logo

Council Roles

Corporate Performance and Resources Scrutiny Committee

Early Retirement / Redundancy Committee (Chair)

Environment and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee

Governance and Audit Committee

Joint Consultative Forum

Planning Committee

Public Rights of Way Sub-Committee

Public Protection Licensing Committee (Chair)

Senior Management Appointment Committee 

Statutory Licensing Committee (Chair)

Shared Regulatory Services Joint Committee

Welsh Church Act Estate Committee (Vice-Chair)

Outside Bodies

South East Wales Corporate Joint Committee Governance and Audit Sub Committee

Members Attendance

(From the Annual Meeting on 8 May 2024 to the Annual Meeting on 7 May 2025) 


Members Attendance
Appointed to the following at the Annual Meeting on 8 May 2024No. of Meetings   Held to DateAttended%AttendanceApologies Received

Council (including Annual Meeting)

1 1 100%


Scrutiny (Corporate Performance and Resources) 2 2 100%  
Early Retirement / Redundancy 2 2 100%  
Scrutiny (Environment and Regeneration) 2 2 100%  
Governance and Audit 2 2 100%  
Planning 2 2 100%  
Public Rights of Way        
Public Protection Licensing 2 2 100%  
Statutory Licensing        
Senior Management Appointment 1 1 100%  
Shared Regulatory Services 1 1 100%  
Welsh Church Act Estate        
Not a Member but Present
Not a Member of the Committee but Present at Meeting Attended 

Previous Attendance at Meetings

May 2023 - May 2024

May 2022 - May 2023


Register of Interests



Ward: Castleland

Surgery Times

All surgeries are held on the third Saturday of every month in the small community room of Barry Library, Kings Square, Barry from 10:00am and 11:00am, no appointment is necessary.


There are also street surgeries held once a month. See local press for further details.