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Social Emotional Mental Health Panel (SEMHP)

The aim of the panel is to meet the duty placed on local authorities in Section 19 of the Education Act 1996 to make arrangements for the provision of suitable Education Other Than at School provision for learners no longer able to attend school for any reason, including (but not limited to) illness and exclusion.


A triage process will be undertaken each month to ensure referrals are appropriate to be seen by panel. The officer in charge of triage (see below) oversees this process.


SEMHP consider the placement of pupils who want for managed moves under the Vale of Glamorgan (VoG) Managed Move Protocol.



  • Head of Standards and Provision (Chair)

  • Lead Officer for Social Inclusion and Well-being (Vice chair and triage lead)

  • Inclusion Manager

  • Engagement Service 

  • Complex Needs Manager

  • Principal EP

  • Representatives of secondary and primary schools (Headteachers)

  • Representatives of High Street and Ysgol Y Deri (YYD)

  • Learning Links Groups Manager

  • Pupil Engagement Manager

  • Operational Manager for ALN

  • Other members who may attend are Social Services, Police, Health professionals, Snap Cymru, YJESS if involvement is appropriate. 

SEMHP will meet every 4 weeks (see SEMHP Referral Process chart). At least 5 of the remove professionals will need to be present for SEMHP to be quorate.


Panel will only take place if referrals have been received by the deadline outlined and is fully quorate. 


Groups to be considered by the panel

Referrals may be appropriate for pupils who:

  • Have accessed intense school intervention over a period of time which has not yet impacted positively on concerning behaviour

  • Despite the intervention of the school and/or other agencies, are at significant risk of permanent exclusion 

  • Despite the intervention of the school and/or other agencies, are at significant risk of prolonged or repeated fixed term exclusion

  • Have accessed support from the Engagement Service and/or the aforementioned specialist provisions would benefit from re-integration to mainstream


Terms of Reference

  • To rigorously and robustly consider evidence provided by the school about action to support individual pupils

  • Using that evidence, to reach a judgement about whether mainstream is appropriate for an individual pupil

  • To provide advice and guidance to schools regarding meeting the needs of pupils in the mainstream, as appropriate

  • To ensure that pupils’ needs are met as flexibly and efficiently as possible

  • To have regard for the effective distribution of resources based on informed decision making

  • When applicable, ensure schools are supported in developing appropriate intervention/provision for pupils with significant social, emotional and/or behavioural difficulties

  • To consider the individual specific SEMH needs of each pupil, particularly if the support requirements are significant

  • A minimum of 2 school representatives must attend SEMHP for the panel to be quorate


Referral Process

Referral forms must be completed in full. Supporting information about the action of the school and other agencies must be provided to ensure that panel members have relevant facts on which to make informed decisions.


Referral forms and supporting documentation need to be submitted to the by the deadlines outlined each month.