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Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016


What is this?

The Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 is a new law being introduced by the Welsh Government on 1st December 2022 and it affects every tenant and landlord in the public and private rented sector in Wales, including Vale of Glamorgan Council as your landlord and you as our tenant. The Act will improve how people rent, manage, and live in rented homes across Wales.


How will this affect you?

The Council will still be your landlord and you will continue to receive the same housing service as you do now. You will still be able to live in your home, you will still pay rent, and we will still do your repairs and look after your estates and communal areas. We have been working closely with Welsh Government and other housing organisations to prepare for the changes,and our staff will be working hard to ensure the changes are implemented as seamlessly as possible.



Contact Us 

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Or contact your Neighbourhood Manager