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Information about Conservation Areas, Listed Buildings, County Treasures and Scheduled Monuments in the Vale of Glamorgan.   


Listed buildings inventory booklet coverListed Buildings

There are currently around 740 buildings and structures which have been listed as being of architectural and historic interest in the Vale of Glamorgan.


The responsibility for listing buildings lies with Cadw.


Alterations to Listed Buildings

Any works which will affect the character of a listed building, be they internal, external, structural or decorative, including any works to an object or structure fixed to the building or within the curtilage of the building (in its grounds, garden, enclosure etc.) will require Listed Building Consent. This is quite separate to any requirement for Planning Permission or to obtain Building Regulations approval.


Unauthorised works to a listed building are viewed with great seriousness in law, and may result in prosecution proceedings. Fines of up to £20,000 and / or up to 12 months imprisonment may be awarded upon summary conviction.


You can apply for Listed Building Consent via the Make a Planning Application page. 


County Treasures

In addition to Listed Buildings there are a number of locally listed historic assets, these are known as County Treasures.


These can be searched by area below:   


Conservation Areas

Conservation areas are areas of special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance.


There are currently 39 Conservation Areas in the Vale of Glamorgan. They vary greatly in character, due to the diverse mix of settlements found in the Vale; from small villages like St. Georges Super Ely, to the market town of Cowbridge, to the urban centre of Penarth.



Certain properties in Penarth are covered by an Article 4 direction that further restricts what works can be carried out without Planning Permission, such as replacement windows and boundary walls. Please contact the Planning Department for further information (01446 704681). More information is available on the planning applications page within the "Do I need Planning Permission?" section - List of Article 4 Properties in Penarth.


Scheduled Monuments

Some monuments are designated as Scheduled Monuments under the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979, these sites are recognised as being of national significance and are protected by law


The regulation of any works affecting an Ancient Monument or its designated area in Wales are presided over by Cadw, to which applications for Scheduled Monument Consent need to be submitted.


There are over 100 Scheduled Monuments in the Vale.


Where a building or site is both a Scheduled Monument and a Listed Building, the structure's status as a monument takes precedence.